History of the Arlington Independence Day Parade
The Arlington Independence Day Parade is the oldest and longest-running event in Arlington. Started in 1965 by citizen Dottie Lynn and Church Women United, it was composed of primarily youth on red, white and blue-decorated bicycles, pedaling around Randol Mill Park.
It eventually became too large for the park path and has evolved into a two-mile, high-spirited, curb-to-curb ribbon of red, white and blue with more than 100 entries that rolls through downtown and UTA’s College Park District to the beat of patriotic music played by all six Arlington high schools and a variety of other musical entries.
Professionally-built floats as well as small entries designed and created by businesses, organizations, churches and youth groups are now part of the event that attracts some 75,000 spectators each year, many of whom pitch tents on the route the night before to assure they have a good place to view the two-hour patriotic pageant.
Many homeowners along the route have a tradition of hosting parade parties on their porches and lawns. One senior citizen, who says she has seen every parade but one, rents her former home on Center Street but requires that its renters allow her to sit on its front porch once a year – just for the parade.
The parade is organized and staged by the all-volunteer, nonprofit organization, the Arlington 4th of July Association, that depends solely on sponsorships for funding.
Spectators and entrants share their parade experiences and photos of the entries before, during and after the parade via official parade social media pages.
The parade has a website and Facebook page and is active on Instagram.
Many spectators claim to have seen all 57 parades. Udell Bell, owner of The Bedroom Shoppe, has entered 34. The Knights of Columbus hold the record for having been in all 57.
Scroll through the timeline below to learn more about the history of the parade.

Timeline of the Arlington Independence Day Parade

THEME: Freedom to Sing
THEME: E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One
Grand Marshal: Dick Hill -
THEME: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Parade was canceled due to the COVID pandemic
THEME: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
THEME: Happy Birthday USA
Grand Marshals: Allan Saxe and Ruthie Brock -
2017 – Dedicated to Those Who Come to the Aid of Others
THEME: 4th of July Texas Style
Grand Marshal: Myles Garrett -
2016 – Dedicated to Those Who Keep Arlington Beautiful
Grand Marshal: Molly Hollar
2015 – Dedicated to the People of Arlington
THEME: 50th Anniversary
Grand Marshals: Past Parade Board members -
2014 – Dedicated to the Arlington Historical Society
Grand Marshals: Geraldine Mills
2013 – Educators of Arlington
Grand Marshals: Dr. Vistasp Karbhari, ;President of UT Arlington, Dr. Marcelo Cavazos; Superintendent of Arlington ISD, Dr. Bill Coppola; President of Tarrant County College SE Campus
2012 – Arlington Citizens Who Have Given Their Lives For The Cause of Freedom
Grand Marshals: Four generations of Girl Scouts
2011 – To Those Who Come Together To Unite Our Country
Grand Marshals: Allan Saxe
2010 – The Youth Of America (100 Years of Boy Scouts)
Grand Marshals: Allan Saxe
2009 – Great Moments In American History
2008 – Those Who Uphold Our Freedoms
Grand Marshals: Ruthe Jackson
2007 – One Nation Built By All
Grand Marshals: Bill Kilpartick
2006 – Arlington 4th of July Sponsors
Grand Marshals are Sponsors: Accent Awards, AE Petsche Co., AISD, City of Arlington, Comcast, Duncan Disposal, GEICO, ARBO, General Motors, KLIF, Rooms to Go, Six Flags Over Texas, Star-Telegram, UTA, Westlake Ace Hardware
2005 – Dedication
The dedication is a “THANK YOU” to all those who promote a spirit of patriotism, especially those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for the Flag. The “Thank You” goes to Arlington, for contributing to 40 years of successful Independence day celebrations. Included in this “Thank You” are our sponsors and parade participants, as well as the spectators. Grand Marshals: Past Parade Marshals
2004 – To Those Who Keep The Music Coming
Grand Marshals: Arlington’s longtime proponents of music and retired AISD music directors, Jane Ellis and Dean Corey will be honored at the Fourth of July Parade this year. Dean Corey’s wife, Becky Corey, and Jane Ellis will be the parade’s Grand Marshals
2003 – Our Children, Our Future
Grand Marshals: Patrick Davis, Tam Ho, Lauren Gaines, Michael Sherwin, Tenetia Carpenter, Tiera Thompson
2002 – Those Who Serve America
All branches of the service, firemen, policemen, etc.
2001 – Dedicated to 50 years of friendship between Arlington and our sister city – Bad Konigshofen, Germany
Grand Marshals: Theda Howell, who was the one who first became a pen pal to a girl in the German city and Former Mayor Vandergriff, who was the Mayor when Arlington helped this struggling city.
2000 – Dedicated to Science and Technology Contributions to the American Dream
Grand Marshals are AISD teachers, Pattie Musselman, Charlie Hagen, Jo Matsler, Jane Borland and Trey Crumpton
1999 – Dedicated to organizations which preserve America’s history and principles of democracy
Grand Marshal: Dorothy Rencurrel, Chairman of the Arlington Landmark Preservation Committee and long time worker to preserve
the history of Arlington -
1998 – Dedicated to those unsung heroes in our midst
Grand Marshal: Tillie Burgin, Executive Director of Mission Arlington
1997 – Dedicated to the religious community of Arlington
Grand Marshal: Harold Elliott, Chaplain of the Arlington Police Department and former pastor
1996 – Dedicated to UTA Alumni
Grand Marshals: Anna Waynette Vandergriff, former first lady of Arlington; Royce West, Texas Senator; and George Campbell, Arlington City Manager
1995 – Dedicated to the All-Star Game
Grand Marshal: Governor George W. Bush
1994 – Dedicated to the American Red Cross
Grand Marshal: Charles Brosseau, Chairman-Tarrant County Red Cross
1993 – Dedicated to Arlington’s Volunteers
Grand Marshal: Jeanne Keetle (representing all of Arlington’s volunteers)
1992 – Dedicated to the Banks of Arlington
Grand Marshal: Miss Arlington
1991 – Dedicated to the men and women of the military services
Grand Marshals: The veterans of all five branches of services: Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, and Air Force
1990 – Dedicated to the Past Presidents of the Arlington Fourth of July Celebration | Silver Anniversary Year of the parade
Grand Marshal: Joe McCabe, only charter member of the association who has actively worked with the group for 25 years
1989 – Dedicated to the Arlington Museum of Art
Grand Marshals: Howard and Arista Joyner (founders of the Arlington Art Museum and Arlington Art Association)
1988 – Dedicated to the Arts in Arlington
Grand Marshal Ray Lichtenwalter, Director of Arlington Band, which plays at City Hall during the parade and again at the evening program
1987 – Dedicated to sponsors of the Independence Day celebration
Grand Marshals: Dan Crowe, President of DFW Suburban Newspapers, parade sponsor; and Bailey and Jennie Ruff, owners of Arlington Hardware – evening program and fireworks Display sponsors
1986 – Dedicated to the Lone Star State (Year of Sesquicentennial)
Grand Marshal: Former Mayor and Congressman Tom Vandergriff, Chairman of Arlington Sesquicentennial Committee
1985 – Dedicated to AISD
Grand Marshal: Retiring Superintendent J. W. Counts
1984 – Dedicated to UTA
Grand Marshal: Dr. Wendell Nedderman, UTA President
1983 – Dedicated to the Fielder Museum
Grand Marshal: Robert Fielder
1982 – Dedicated to the memory of Carolyn Snider
Dedicated to the memory of Carolyn Snider, long-time city councilwoman, church and civic worker, and ardent supporter of Arlington and the Independence Day celebration. Note: Empty car with signs on the sides at the front of the parade.
1981 – Dedicated to the memory of Howard “Gumpy” Moore
Dedicated to the memory of Howard “Gumpy” Moore, who served as Parade Marshal 1965-1980. Noted: an empty car with signs on the sides at the front of the parade.
Beverly Leggitt and Dottie Lynn